Community Involvement
- As a veterinary practice management consultant, you will frequently find my tips and suggestions on the list serve for the Veterinary Hospital Managers Association.
- I frequently offer tips on my Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter accounts sharing the latest management and career advice with my followers.
- I am a participant in multiple groups on Facebook and contribute business, career and well-being advice.
- I am an advocate for team members who desire to grow and advance in their career. Over the years, I have advised and mentored many young managers who have reached out for help. They are encouraged to join the VHMA and study from my recommended reading list and emails are exchanged with career advice.
- I volunteer my time serving the VetPartners Association as part of committees and the board of directors, including being the 2022 President.
- I have served as a content coordinator for the AVMA Convention helping select the Professional Development presentations for the past several years.

Other Community Activities
- As someone who managed AAHA-accredited hospitals for 23 years, I was thrilled to be asked to volunteer my time to AAHA for 3 years on the LINC committee which helps select future members of the board of directors.
- I was honored to donate my time to speak at the NAVC Health and Wellbeing Center as an advocate for the professional well-being of veterinary teams.
- I am very proud to say that because of my persistent urging and curriculum input, a Veterinary Practice Management Minor will be available to the Animal Science/PreVet students at North Carolina State University.
- You will find my donated chapters in “VetTeam Coach” a free book given to new veterinary team members all over the world to aid them in their career and in…
- “Power Up Your Practice – Practical Advice from 25 Top Veterinary Practice Management Experts” sponsored by DVM 360 and CareCredit and given free to veterinary practice owners and managers.
- My donated chapter is included in Blackwell’s 5 Veterinary Practice Management Consult – 3rd Edition.
- I have volunteered as a guest on multiple podcasts to help share my experience with the veterinary profession.