In episode three of “The Bend”, Debbie has the opportunity to interview professional speaker, coach, and published author, Bridgett McGowen.
She’s an award winning professional speaker, and the owner of BMcTalks LLC.
Bridgett never had a definitive idea of her career choice as a child other than that she wanted to be a professional. The blue collar life wasn’t for her, and she knew she was drawn to a career where she could dress up a bit more and demonstrate a sense of poise and confidence. She knew she wanted to make a statement and not blend in. An air-conditioned room was also appealing!
She paved her way to the professional life by doing this one thing rather consistently:
Although from a small town, she took every opportunity possible to observe professionals she came in contact with, and observed others from a distance. She researched. She took notes and treated EVERYONE she met as a role model, taking bits and pieces of the way they carried themselves as education for her career.
Bridgett landed her dream job with an educational technology company, traveled often, and met some amazing coworkers along the way, but then…
The road threw her a bend.
After the company headed in a different direction, Bridgett’s team was disbanded, and she was suddenly in need of a job with a two-year-old toddler and husband at home. With a love and talent for public speaking, she decided to turn it into her full time career. She was ALL in!
The challenges of learning how to run a business were there, but Bridgett knew she could research, observe, reach out to others, think things through, and make it work. She began building her network, and ultimately put in the work with a fierce determination.
She now successfully runs a business that offers THREE services:
- Speaking: As mentioned, Bridgett is an award-winning, highly desired professional in the art of speaking publicly.
- Teaching: Bridgett shows others how pave their path and launch their own speaking business.
- Publishing: Bridgett has a passion for helping others tell THEIR story through books.
In the full episode of The Bend, you’ll find valuable advice from Bridgett on:
- How to know and ask for your worth.
- How to pursue your “passion project”.
- How to adjust to our current virtual lifestyle in the speaking business.Bridgett’s story and success rate is nothing short of inspirational. Her chat with Debbie will leave you hungry for pursuing your ultimate passion, and with the confidence to chase your wildest dreams.
For more inspiration from Bridgett, you can check out her recently published book, Triumph over the Trials, in which she and a group of other inspiring women address the trials they’ve overcome and how the light on the other side is so much brighter than any darkness they’ve endured along the way.
“You are stronger, smarter, fiercer than you think you are. You CAN.
You are doing yourself and the world a disservice if you DON’T.”
-Bridgett McGowen
Watch the full episode with Bridgett here and get ready to be inspired.