In Debbie’s video series, “The Bend”, she kicks things off poetically with a favorite quote of hers that inspired the series and this particular conversation with networking expert, David Pinkley.
The quote goes:
“The end of the road is not the bend in the road unless you fail to make the curve.”
How can YOU make that curve? How can networking further you in your career, or introduce you to new opportunities?
That’s where David Pinkley comes in.
- He’s an investor in people.
- He has over 20 years of experience in helping people build amazing careers.
- His background includes credentials as a job placement expert.
- He started his own recruiting firm.
- He has coached over 4,000 people on how to maximize their return on their resumes and LinkedIn profiles.
- Basically, you will want to hear what he has to say!
2020 has presented many people with challenges in their career, whether that means businesses that have slowed down, being laid off, or simply not progressing as you’d hope due to the new circumstances that have been presented.
Networking is more important now than EVER!
David’s insight also comes from a place of personal experience. He reveals his own story about being in his mid-twenties, finding himself unemployed, and taking control of his own path that would lead him to the career he has today. He flipped the script as far as being on the looking end for a job and pivoting into recruiting others for job opportunities. His story is both inspiring and insightful, and is surely a demonstration of how you can be in the driver’s seat when it comes to your career.
Debbie goes on to discuss her own career journey after growing up in the restaurant business and pivoting into the veterinary space. One might assume in order to work in the veterinary industry, you’d have to become a veterinarian or a technician. Debbie is proof that you can recognize a need within an industry, and work towards fulfilling that need, which is how she ended up on the business side of things.
David and Debbie touch on the excuses many people have for NOT networking:
- “I’m too shy!”- Networking requires a certain level of vulnerability. You can still network, even as a shy person!
- “I’m too busy!”- Networking NEEDS to be a priority on your to-do list. You will reap the benefits in the long term, so carve out the time!
You don’t need to be an expert conversationalist in order to network! You just need to be able to listen intently to the needs of others, and respond to that with a solution. It’s that simple!
The episode finishes strong as David reveals the simple ABC’s of networking:
Allow yourself to take the risk.
Be mindful of how you can help others.
Create the habit of meeting people.
If you’re looking to take control of your own destiny, this is an episode you don’t want to miss! Listen in on the conversation for the inspiration you need to get out there, network, and fill your pool of opportunity!
Watch the full episode below: