I remember well the days when I was a manager and my doctors would call me into an exam room to finish educating a client on everything from heartworm medication to dealing with an allergic dog. (My ShihTzu Merlin was the poster child). I would discuss things with them in person but I always wanted to give them something tangible to take home to reinforce the message.
As a professional speaker I realize that my audience retains only a small portion of what I am presenting. This is why conference speakers share proceedings and handouts. When I was managing practices, one of the tools I used to help educate clients was educational documents attached to various service codes in our software so information and instructions would print out automatically on invoices. Our practice preprinted the invoices, so when our doctors discharged their patients they could circle or highlight information on the instructions and reinforce the message they were sharing. That was in the 90’s and considered “cutting edge” for the times.
Now our audience of clients is more sophisticated and also has a shorter attention span. How are we to capture their attention and teach? Fortunately, technology is available to help.
One of the fun things about my work is that new companies reach out to me and I get to learn about the latest and soon to be greatest early in the game. I took one of these meetings a little over a year ago with a new tech company called VetTalk and I loved the concept so much that I agreed to spread the word for them!
Recently, VetSuccess conducted a survey and found that clinics using digital tools for client education experienced a 15% increase in client retention rates. Additionally, 78% of pet owners expressed a preference for clinics that embraced technology for communication and education. This is why I embrace and promote the use of technology in practice.
I also understand that finding great staff is a challenge and technology is a fantastic way to remove the routine work from many of our team tasks. It releases their time and allows them to spend it making great human connections and building trusting relationships which I believe to be the keystone to success. It also increases their productivity and enjoyment of their job. We didn’t get into vet med to be BORED!
So – why do I like VetTalk and how does it work?
VetTalk integrates into the Practice Information Management System (“PIMS”) and automates the delivery of educational content. With a subscription to VetTalk, the platform provides a pre-set library of clinic branded video content that can be paired with product brochures or PDF content. The videos are top quality and produced in partnership by another company I love – Veteos. In fact, they produced the opening video on my website!
Before or after an appointment, VetTalk delivers a text message to pet owners featuring an Educational Care Plan (“ECP”) that includes your personalized videos and your clinic’s PDF content. Think about it… clients can get a video learning about procedures and their value BEFORE they come in! The idea of microlearning is prevalent in education as it tends to be “sticky” so VetTalk delivers learning in quick segments that are easy to digest. I have always believed that better educated owners make better clients.
Now my favorite part: VetTalk automatically selects the content based on patient data from your practice management software, ensuring each pet’s ECP is filled with relevant patient-specific information, while saving the veterinary staff time. It simply combs the patient record looking for the codes you are using to record services and sends content based on that service. Brilliant! There is no reliance on a third-party app and pet owners can access their pets’ care plan in the click of a button.
As someone who expects my own healthcare providers to use digital tools to keep me informed I feel my veterinary provider should be just as up to date. Comfort with technology indicates to me a progressive hospital that keeps abreast of the newest information and that is what I want for Tucker.
For more information, please reach out to debbie@debbiebooneconsulting.com or simply use this link to schedule an online demo with the VetTalk team.
Schedule Demo: https://vettalksoftware.com/#signup
Disclosure: VetTalk compensated me for writing this message.